VIrtual Events

May 2020
Virtual Event
1,000 - 5,000 Attendees
From KPG Creative
KPG Creative is a full-service video, event and online/virtual engagement production company. Our job is to take the burden of production and creative off your shoulders, minimizing the risks, maximizing the impact on your audience, and delivering a solid ROI to your bottom line. Producing events for a virtual audience requires a different approach than producing for an in-person event. Attention spans are shorter, willingness to stare at a screen is waning, and distractions are significant. How can you compete against these forces? Engage, engage, engage. We’ve all heard that content is king, but engagement is the kingdom! Presentations, technology and creativity must work together to keep people connected and actively participating. Our goal is to keep the audience engaged and leave them wanting more. We work with our clients to help improve sales, increase awareness, energize teams, celebrate success and even change perceptions. We work as an extension of your team and help develop the ideas and experiences that will create a real return on the investment you’ve made. Since 2002 KPG Creative has been working with leading businesses nationwide to tell their stories to diverse audiences. Our experience spans a wide range of industries including manufacturing, technology, product distribution, insurance, medical, consumer goods, food, education, start-ups, non-profits and automotive. Your business has a story to tell and an audience to engage. We can help.
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