Finley-Nottingham Rose Garden

Located In: JC Raulston Arboretum

Seated: 200

JC Raulston Arboretum

JC Raulston Arboretum

Finley-Nottingham Rose Garden
JC Raulston Arboretum

4415 Beryl Road Raleigh, NC 27606

Business Space Location Map

Seated: 200

F&B Options
All catering welcome
  • Outdoor Area
  • Street Level Access
  • Great Views

With its classic design, continual color and heavenly scent, the new FinleyNottingham Rose Garden offers a romantic venue for weddings and other outdoor parties. During two peak seasons, mid-May and again in September, the garden sports more than 3,000 flowers a day. The peak of the flowering season, usually occurs in mid - to late May and is not to be missed. However, if you cannot see the garden at this time, don't fret, since flowering continues until frost.