Grand Atrium

Located In: Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture

Standing: 80

Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture

Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture

Grand Atrium
Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture

4303 Memorial Way Northeast Seattle, WA 98195

Business Space Location Map

Standing: 80

F&B Options
Preferred catering available

Perfect for small, mingle-friendly cocktail parties and networking events, the soaring Grand Atrium is filled with icons of Washington's natural and cultural heritage that are sure to dazzle your guests. A classroom opens up into the space as well—a great place for a buffet or extra seating. Guests can sit at the feet of a mastodon, admire a monumental piece of contemporary Native art, and pass beneath a beaked whale diving from the ceiling. When connected with adjacent classroom: 100 (seating options available)