Amsterdam, Netherlands

Venues in Amsterdam, Netherlands


Discussions (3)

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Jul 19, 2023

Hi All! I'm looking for a Happy Hour venue in Amsterdam near the RAI - anyone have experience planning events there? We'll be at IBC Sept. 15-18 and were hoping to plan a Happy Hour for around 50-75 clients. If you know of a good venue, please let me know. So far not having much luck with the places I've contacted. Thanks!

4 Replies
Apr 19, 2023

Hi all! I have a group for a January 2024 European program of 500 people that takes up a footprint of closer to 1000-1500 needing a keynote and multiple breakout spaces. Are there any cities that y’all know that are well set up with ample freestanding (non hotel meeting) spaces to accommodate a group this size? Would appreciate any and all recommendations of markets and or spaces. Thanks in advance!

14 Replies

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