
Hotel Brummell

Barcelona, Spain

The hotel was built and designed to be relaxed, intimate, imaginative and seemless. The facade of the building remains just as it was in 1870 while the interior has completely transformed.

Room Count

20 rooms

Food & Beverage

In-house catering
In-house beverage service


Unfortunately, Hotel Brummell hasn't added any spaces to their profile on The Vendry.


We are a 20 room hotel in Poble Sec, Barcelona. Hotel Brummell is an urban oasis created by friends. Off the beaten track, but an easy walk to the city, mountain or sea, Brummell encourages guests to explore Barcelona, but also to stay in. We invite you to come have a leisurely meal, a swim, a drink, a sauna or just retreat to your room.




Food & Beverage

In-house catering
In-house beverage service

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