Madame Sarfati Comedy Club

Performance Space
Paris, France

Madame Sarfati Comedy Club is the place where the public will see established comedians in full creation, already having a show; in a work of art designed by JR, in collaboration with Takao and Diirby.

Number of spaces

1 event space

Food & Beverage

In-house catering
In-house beverage service


In-house A/V



The comedy club was designed and created to establish a unique intimacy with the stage it houses. Named Rendez-vous, the work is experienced as an experience. Madame Sarfati is unique because she puts the artist, the work of art and the incredible programming at the heart of the project. It is for this reason that a ticket office is set up, to remunerate artists by fee and not “by the hat”. Madame Sarfati is much more than a comedy club, it is a place of life where behind each element of the place hides an artist.




Food & Beverage

In-house catering
In-house beverage service


In-house A/V

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