
Louisville, KY

Enso is a Southern restaurant using Japanese technique and style to connect the parallels in culture. Yoshoku (Western cuisine) taken to a specific region in the American South.

Cuisine Type


Food & Beverage

In-house catering
In-house beverage service


Unfortunately, Enso hasn't added any spaces to their profile on The Vendry.


The meaning of the name stems from a common Buddhist symbol that represents coming full circle in the journey of enlightenment. Enso’s menu interlinks Japanese and Southern culture to create thoughtful and authentic dishes that are a unique addition to the Louisville food scene. The concept offers a thoughtful array of flavors that can be seen as a rarity in the South. The bar program features spirit-focused items that complement the varying cultures at play. Japanese whiskeys, sakes, and highballs are just a few of the bar inclusions that make it unique. The restaurant will have a closed kitchen with an 8 top chef table in the kitchen, in addition to a 4-6 bar seat raw bar beside the bar which will be run by a chef nightly. The kitchen has a milk bread program, housemade udon noodles, and a heavy emphasis on coal-grilled food.




Food & Beverage

In-house catering
In-house beverage service

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